
Every single thing that you touch along the supply chain has implications on sustainability

Two things that came out of the survey, the relative rank order and importance of both DE&I and sustainability in the ability to basically attract and retain the best talent. Where you surprised? Is that new? - Jeff Frick

It was not a surprise to us. We have to do more on sustainability, thought leadership because it is where organizations are focused. They have real targets that they have set that are publicized that they are going to have to meet. And why do they have those targets in place? Well, yes, it's the right thing to do, but it's also because it's good for their brand. It's good for their employee retention. And certainly it is good for their shareholders. - Julie Whelan

Neither landlords nor occupiers can go on this journey alone. They need to do it together. - Julie Whelan

Have sustainability efforts dialed back?

What happens in a few weeks?

Has anyone pulled their stated commitment?

Nothing is rooted in stone.

With the possible exception of demographic trends,

which change slowly, and talent pools are shrinking in most developed countries

And exponential curves in technology.

Has do you find sustainability prioritization?

Full Length Interview
Julie Whelan: Flexible, Responsive, Social Real Estate | Work 20XX -

Show Notes and Transcript - https://www.work20xx.com/episode/julie-whelan-flexible-responsive-social-real-estate-work-20xx-06

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