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Our biggest problem was to get people to stop - Jack Nilles

Management was always worried about productivity, goofing off. People will just find their time doing something else instead, go down the tubes. None of that happened. None of it. - Jack Nilles

Yeah, our biggest problem was about, what you just said. To get people to stop. You know, stop, relax, enjoy the family, go out and do something else. You know, get rid of the computer, close it in the closet, lock it up. - Jack Nilles

Jack wrote the original 'Telecommuting' research in the '70s while at USC
Nick contributed another anchor piece in 2014

The data is clear. Performance goes up.

BTW - Jack recently celebrated his 92nd trip around the sun.

What a thrill to spend an hour with the sage.

Happy Birthday Jack.

Jack (John) M Nilles: Telecommuting, Tradeoffs, Resistance, Incentives | Work 20XX with Jeff Frick
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