
Once you know what the purpose is, then you design the thing and you activate the thing and you advertise the thing around that. - Phil Kirschner

The learning energy should be so strong. It's almost like pulling me away from my desk ‘Oh Gosh! There's a there's a lunch-and-learn’ and this and that and scientists and magic is happening - Phil Kirschner

How can you look the CEO in the eyes say, I can prove that this place helped develop the next ten life saving drugs. That kind of thinking is so different and it's what's required. - Phil Kirschner

Earn a chapter in the company’s book of success.

How did 'place' accelerate success?

Is the 'place' designed and activated around a purpose?

Love this framing Phil.

Full Length Interview
Phil Kirschner: Real Estate, Futures, Workplace | Work 20XX Podcast with Jeff Frick -

Transcript and extensive show notes - https://www.work20xx.com/episode/phil-kirschner-real-estate-futures-workplace-work-20xx-ep17

- or wherever you podcast

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