The number one reason people wanted to go into the office was just based on who else was going into the office

The number one reason people wanted to go into the office was just based on who else was going to be in the office. -

I go in because I think Jeff's going to be there and then all of a sudden something changed and I didn't know that. I’m like ok, well I just spent all this time getting myself ready and commuting. And the reason kind of evaporated. - Rob Sadow

How do we build a software layer to effectively bring tools like Slack and Google Calendar and Chrome into a world that makes hybrid easier and make it easier and effortless for teams to coordinate and when you go into the office feel like you could do that with confidence. - Rob Sadow

The office experience left a lot to be desired.

Earning the commute means making it worthwhile.
And easy to integrate into my current tools and workflows, means 1 or 2 clicks.

Follow Rob and the team at Flex Index to get past the headlines, to what's really going on with 'onsite' office policies.

Full Length Conversation
Rob Sadow: Flexible, Policy, Match, Benchmark | Work 20XX podcast with Jeff Frick -

- Transcript and show notes -

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