An exercise that I like to do with people is name the top 3 to 5 people that you seek out for advice. If you have a new idea, who are the people that you would vet those ideas with? Who do trust for that gut check, advice? - Andreas Hoffbauer
Write those down, how long have you known those individuals, how connected are they in your group? You'll be able to visualize that a lot of those connections sit in a very constrained box. - Andreas Hoffbauer
But our most powerful connections to new ideas, new people are those weak ties that are in different parts of the network. How can we use these tools to expand that horizon? - - Andreas Hoffbauer
How do we force ourselves out our own self constructed, constrained box?
Strong ties, weak ties. We over index on the importance of strong ties. But when it comes to new ideas, new ways of thinking, new opportunities, and new ways to see the world, often our weak ties provide the best path forward.
Technology tools can help us better leverage existing weak ties, as well as expand the network, to create new ones.
Slack and similar tools for inside the organization. LinkedIn and others for outside the organization.
It takes some effort to go beyond our comfort zones, but the benefits are numerous.
Or as someone once told me, the juice is worth the squeeze.
Fun conversation with a social networking guru.
Andreas Hoffbauer, PhD: Networks, Knowledge, Culture | Work 20XX podcast with Jeff Frick -
- Transcript and show notes -
- or wherever you podcast
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